Requests for Funding
The 53rd Session ASG Grant Process is currently open. The Budget and Finance Committee will approve applications at the next monthly meeting.
Through the UNCASG Grants program, registered student organizations across the UNC System can request funding for projects, events or programs on their campus.
Requests should align with the core mission and purpose of UNCASG: to improve the affordability and accessibility of a quality education for students, both in the present and in the future.
Applications for funding must be submitted in full no later than one day prior to the ASG meeting at which you'd like them to be considered. the meeting date of the committee is published above. Note that this is the deadline for a complete application. If your application is submitted on time but is missing information, it cannot be reviewed.
Prior to submitting your application, we require that you contact your Campus Liaison to discuss your grant submission. This will assist the Campus Liaison in being able to answer questions on your behalf when the application is reviewed at the Budget and Finance Committee.
Your application should include the following: a summary of why the event or project is needed, how it will benefit the students on your campus, a detailed budget, invoices or receipts supporting your projected costs, the contact information of the member responsible for your organization's accounting, the physical address on campus where we need to send the check, your organization's advisor's contact information, and your Campus Liaison's signatures of approval. Failure to provide any of this information renders your application incomplete.
Only complete applications are reviewed. Applications may only be submitted through the UNCASG Grant Application online form (linked on the right side of this page).
Grant applications are reviewed on a rolling basis up through the April ASG meeting. They must be received no later than one (1) day prior to the monthly business meeting to be reviewed at that meeting.