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About the Association

 Our Strategic Plan 


Proposed by the President and approved by the UNC ASG Board of Directors, the Strategic Plan provides guidance to the organization over a five year period. The Strategic Plan provides guidance on ASG’s beliefs and principles, and outlines goals it should strive to achieve over the next 5 years. The full strategic plan can be found here


  1. Update, revise, and overhaul the UNC ASG governing documents to restructure the Association in a way that allows it to best achieve its mission.

  2. Develop a sustainable long-term financial strategy for the Association and the means by which that strategy can be put into place. 

  3. Grow the Association’s follower base on social media. 

  4. Provide meaningful opportunities for students at the 17 campuses to engage and interface with the Association and its leadership.

  5. Develop a sustainable and meaningful advocacy strategy that allows members of the Association to interact with legislators during short and long sessions of the General Assembly. 

  6. Allow for and encourage members of ASG to interact with members of the Board of Governors, staff at the UNC System Office, and governmental leaders across North Carolina.


 Annual Advocacy Priorities 


At the beginning of each session, the UNCASG President presents their comprehensive goals for the academic year to the ASG Board of Directors, including but not limited to that year's contribution to the multi-year strategic plan.  These goals are known as the annual Advocacy Plan and are used to guide the goals and objectives of each UNCASG committee including Budget & Finance, Campus Outreach, Governmental Outreach and Media Outreach.

UNC ASG Logo. State of North Carolina with locations of all seventeen UNC System schools marked.

The University of North Carolina

Association of Student Governments

910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

919.445.0494 •  

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The University of North Carolina Association of Student Governments functions as a crucial advocate for student representation. Its mission revolves around promoting students' interests, fostering quality education, and nurturing community engagement. Spanning 16 universities across North Carolina, including the NC School of Science and Mathematics, this organization unites a diverse student body of around 250,000, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of the state's education system.

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